Tuesday, January 13, 2015

An Engraftment Victory

January 11th, and Amos' absolute neutrophil count(ANC) was measured in his blood work at 700. Requirements are two days in a row with ANC above 500 for the doctors to proclaim "engraftment". Engraftment basically means that his bone marrow transplant has found its place and begun producing his new immune system. July 12th, and his counts showed ANC at 800. With that, it was official. Amos had engrafted! I can't tell you how great it feels to say that. So the official engraftment date defaults to the 11th, which also marks 6 months since his diagnosis on July 11th this summer. The cause of all of the Christmas turmoil, his liver and a disease called VOD, has since improved drastically with an experimental treatment with a drug called defibrotide. A recent ultrasound shows nearly normal liver function, and his bilirubin count has come down from a high in the 30s to 4. His lungs are healing well, kidneys are in good shape, and the ultrasound showed very little signs of fluid on his belly. The drain in the bottom of his tummy might come out soon, which would give him a little more mobility too. A few drug regimens have ended, and a few more could end soon. Things are looking up for us for now.  

^Momma is happy about it.

^Daddy is happy about it.

^Amos is happy about it too!

^In this picture Amos is sporting his new Superman hat that one of our dear friends made for him. An obviously fitting metaphor in my book because this little boy has been nothing short of a super hero in this whole ordeal.

^It is so amazing to see him playing, smiling, and even giggling again too. He was in such a rough place just a couple weeks ago over Christmas. If I am honest there were times that I was so scared that I didn't even know what to do with myself. I'd wander around like I was looking for something, but with no idea what I was even doing let alone that I was not looking for anything at all. Maybe I was looking for answers, maybe I was looking for solutions, but really I was simply wandering… lost in my own head.

^Another friend shared this photo with me. I thought it was a really fitting picture for where Amos is at now in running with my metaphor of Amos as the mighty samurai warrior. Amos has walked the line through the valley of the shadows of doubt and fear towards the impending cancer castle looming in the distance. He waded across the treacherous moat, and smashed down the gates of the cancer castle. Brandishing his swords he cut down the evil hoard inside with the precision and grace of a wise old warrior. We watched him nearly succumb to his wounds amidst the fierce battle on Christmas only to pick himself up gathering his strength for the final ascension to the castle tower to face the beastly cancer king in a final battle for engraftment. As we heard the counts, we knew that Amos had faced the beast and emerged triumphant slaying the formidable cellular opponents that had ravaged his little body. Now we must make the final journey back home, which itself is riddled with lingering risk and a 50% chance of relapse. However, with a huge victory behind him we feel so good right now. So now we stand on a hill beyond the cancer castle as it burns to the ground. Amos watches from atop his noble steed, sword brandished in triumph, and his angels watchfully soaring above him. I am in awe at his bravery, his will to live, and the unfathomable support of all who love us. I made him a promise on Christmas that if he kept fighting that his life would indeed be worth it. His mom and I would devote our whole lives and very beings to make his life worth his incredible fight. The journey home and totally free of this situation is still not complete. However, over these last 6 months I watched a little boy prove himself a mighty warrior, and then emerge from battle a living legend before my eyes. There will still be risks along the way that may break him down. Life in general for even the healthiest kids is littered with trial and tribulation. There are no guarantees for anyone in this world, but I will bet on this kid's fighting heart and soul any day, up against anyone, or anything.