Thursday, October 2, 2014

Happy Birthd… ANC Day!

33 years ago today I was born. My birthday always sneaks up on me. I almost never see it coming. I am not much of a birthday guy typically either. However, Amos remembered. He gave me a proper birthday gift in an ANC count! ANC stands for Absolute Neutrophil Count. The ANC is the key count of some six or seven indicator count levels that says his immune system is coming back. When all the counts come up to a certain range then they start talking about letting us take Amos home for the round. I couldn't ask for a better birthday gift.

^Amos is growing up in here. It is kind of strange to me on a variety of levels, but despite going through the ringer in "hotel chemo" Amos continues to grow up. We are being instructed to get him experimenting with real food. Before we gave hime some mashed up pancake, we let him have some fun with this one. He was unsure about what he was checking out. His little facial expressions are getting more pronounced and I must say, quite hilarious.  

^Play time with Grandma Kay on the play mat is an exciting ordeal worthy of a proper applause as far as Amos is concerned. He loves to clap. He is such a happy little guy. Also hilarious.

^Yep. Hilarious

^"Gimme that!"

^Physical therapy and a check up. Amos loves playing with all the pretty doctors and therapists. He is quite the little ladies man. He was hamming it up with smiles and waves for this session, and showing off his new "sit up" move and "pull up" move. I'd like to think it runs in the family, but he has way more charisma then I do, and he is quite the little show off. When ya got it, ya got it.

^Grandma Kay is multi-tasking on the cell phone and a window show for Amos. It cracks him up too. Grandma Kay has a knack for the silliness with the little guy. She is not afraid to goof it up for some giggles. Also hilarious. 

Going home after a long hard round at "hotel chemo" is always a welcome treat for everyone. It seems we are anticipating a third round of chemo before the transplant. However, in our new existence of one minute, one hour, one day at a time I will take this gift. Hell, I guess it is my birthday, and taking him home for a bit is the best present I could have asked for. Even if I didn't see my birthday coming Amos gave us something to celebrate today. A friend advised me in the beginning of all this to find things to smile about. Today I have a lot to smile about. Despite the depths of the throws of cancer, Amos is a growing boy. A happy boy, and his gift of an ANC count on my birthday gives me a big ole' cheeky grin.