Monday, November 10, 2014

Fatten up!

Amos has just finished up his third round of chemotherapy. He has been handling it so well, and I am so proud of him. He is just a happy little kid who wants to play and snuggle with his Momma. While life for Christine and I has come to a halt, Amos continues to grow. He doesn't know any differently. He doesn't know that he is supposed to be learning to say Christine's new title, Momma. He doesn't know that he is supposed to be learning how to share and giggle with other kids, or taking his first steps. He just goes about his days as happily as he can. I can't believe it sometimes, but if more people could have his attitude rub off on them just a little this would be a much better world. 

^This photo breaks my heart if I am honest. Before Amos got sick he loved playing with other kids. His babysitter's house was always full of young jubilant kids, and Amos would get so excited to see them each day. He still gets pumped up the rare times when he does see other kids. This beautiful little girl who also is fighting cancer came to his window. The two where checking each other out through Amos' room window. Amos was still not allowed out of the confines of his room, but he was so excited just to see another baby. Seeing these two little warriors smiling and looking each other over through a window is a fitting metaphor for his life right now. It makes me sad that they can't play together, but it also keeps me awestruck at how these two little ones are simply pleased to be seeing each other through a window. They are just happy kids, and that makes me smile right through the tears welling up in my eyes. It kind of goes to the heart of this whole ordeal.

^Just after Halloween Amos was allowed to come home. We will have a good amount of time at home before the transplant round to come at the end of November. I am gonna take advantage of each minute, and we have been given the mission from his dietician to fatten him up to get ready for transplant. 

^Grandpa and Nonni took advantage of the home stay flying into town to hang out with Amos. Nonni cooked up all kinds of good home cooking and some high calorie eats for Amos to gobble down as well. While our mission is to get Amos to put on weight for the transplant, it seems he is also getting a chance to fatten up his heart and soul as well. Even more so then the high calorie potatoes and gravy he is getting a healthy dose of family loving as well. 

^Whether it is fun time with Grandpa...

^…or snuggles with Nonni, Amos is getting his fill.

^Nonni and Grandpa are too!

^So much so it wore them all out. Maybe it was all the food too. 

^Grandpa and Nonni did all the squeezing and loving that they could while they could. After a few short days they had to go home. We have a few more weeks at home yet and more visitors to come as well as Christine's lifelong friends Abbey and Amy are next to come help us out. With the transplant round the veritable storming of the cancer castle coming ahead we are all just trying to concentrate on the present and the tasks at hand, fattening up Amos' body, heart and soul with all the calories and love the little man can handle. So we are not thinking about all the hardships we will endure amidst the final battle of transplant because right now he is a happy kid who needs nothing more then a good meal, a big hug, and plenty of kisses. We are all more then happy with that for now.