Friday, August 22, 2014

Blood Challenge

Amos is doing well. Count recovery is coming along strong now. We are getting ready to be able to take him home for a while soon. The prospect of that is almost strangely hard to believe. I have been home a couple of nights since this all started on July 11th, but Christine has not spent one. I did get her to go home for a day a few weeks ago and she agreed that it was wierdly large and empty. Which is odd since it is only 1800 square feet. Without Amos in it, the house seemed different. It was a little less home. I take comfort in our golden retriever, Murphy, when I am there. As well as comfort in sleeping in our bed. With little to update on Amos' day to day situation there is indeed one event coming up that is now especially dear to us. A co-worker of Christine's, Rick Roth, and his family have dedicated a bunch of time and effort to organize a blood drive for Amos here in Salt Lake City through ARUP. ARUP actually supplies the blood products to Primary Children's Hospital where Amos has been treated. So far Amos has received 23 transfusions of various blood products since he arrived here that fateful evening in July. Those transfusions are the tangible products in correlation with the skilled staff responsible for saving his life and keeping him alive throughout this process. Christine has started issuing Facebook challenges to people in the spirit of the "Ice Bucket" rampant popularity. I will say that giving blood requires much more then dumping a bucket of ice on your head and writing a check, but it fosters some real serious direct impact for not only Amos and cancer patients but all kinds of patients every day. If you live in the Salt Lake City and Ogden area we'd love to see you sign up at this drive in the Wells Fargo Building downtown. For everyone else we'd love to see you sign up to give blood somewhere in your hometown. You can even take video of yourself getting poked proclaiming #HappyHealthyAmos and put it up on Facebook. Christine and I would "like" and "share" that with all our friends for sure.