Saturday, August 2, 2014

Chemotherapy Going Well

Amos is four days into his fist round of chemotherapy today. The doctors told us that although the chemo will have certain affects it should help him actually feel better. Amos was in so much pain and discomfort that chemotherapy is actually an improvement. Christine and I couldn't be happier to see it. His little belly is shrinking down, his appetite is improving, and we have even gotten a couple smiles and one good giggle out of him. Amos is not only fighting like a little champion, he is thriving. We knew he was struggling earlier this week in a real way, but we never anticipated that chemotherapy would actually be an improvement. He still has a long road ahead, but we are pleased with the progress. Additionally, a spinal tap delivered good news that there does not appear to be any cancer cells in his spinal column, which should spare him any more chemotherapy injections into his spine. That is a relief because the less we have to put him under anesthesia the better.

^We missed this smile so much, and it is so good to see it come back. Although the smiles are still few and far in between when the beautiful little smile comes out it is like a ray of sunshine lights up the room. I can't express how happy it makes us to see it.

^Papa Phil has been in town all week and Uncle AJ came in half way through the week as well. AJ has been doing some electrical work for us at our house in the mornings and then coming down to the hospital to play with Amos in the afternoons when I have to go to work. It was great to see him and Amos responded to him really well. I am super thankful for the help with the electrical at our house too. Handy guy that AJ is, and great Uncle too.

^Papa Phil might be a serious and big tough guy, but he isn't afraid to goof it up to try to get a smile out of Amos. Although Amos' smile is hard to come by Papa Phil gave it his best and silliest efforts. Captain of the grill, he also brought down a plethora of grilled meat to fill our bellies everyday. From what I understand he was lead supervisor on the electrical work as well. 

^Grandma Kay has been a huge support throughout. She is still working full-time, but every chance she gets she is down here in the big city handling laundry, errands, taking care of our golden retriever at home, and the like. Not to mention taking lead on library hour to read books for Amos whenever she can. It has also been nice to have Grandma Kay take over some time to watch out for Amos so Christine and I can escape the confinement of our tiny hospital room home from time to time. 

^Yesterday Grandma Kay brought our golden retriever, Murphy, down to the hospital so Christine and I could see her. I took advantage of the opportunity to get up into the mountains to take my favorite hiking buddy up to Dog Lake in Mill Creek Canyon in Salt Lake City. Murphy and I were both super stoked to get out in nature again together. The solitude of the mountains plus the company of my best buddy was relief on a scale I hadn't felt in some time now. On our way out of the five mile loop that climaxed with a swim in the lake, a rogue little storm cloud rained on us just one mile before the end of the loop. Most people would be upset by the showers, but Murphy and I just snuggled up next to the rushing creek under a tall pine tree and waited it out. It only rained for a short twenty or thirty minutes and the freshness of the smell of the rain on the forrest was just like the freshness I was feeling after a long walk in the woods with my best buddy. I can't wait until me and Murphy get to have our little backpack riding buddy, Amos, back in tow with us on the trails. When that day finally comes the flowers will smell sweeter then ever, and the bounce in our steps that much more spry.