Friday, August 8, 2014

The Chemo Top-Five List

Amos has run the course of his first ten-day round of chemotherapy! He has been handling it really well. Some of the side effects are setting in now, such as mouth sores, but overall he is doing well with it. So far his hair has not fallen out, but that may still be to come. He now enters the stage called, "count recovery" for the next few weeks. In this stage we are on high alert for infections and sicknesses. Chemotherapy has zapped his immune system to nothing which leaves him vulnerable. However, as his counts of red and white blood cells among other indicators recover back to normal over the next few weeks we hope to be able to bring him home for a few days. As a result of doing so well on the chemo there has not been much to report, but Christine came up with a cute "Late Night with David Letterman" style post with a countdown of Amos' favorite things to do during chemotherapy!


#5 - Making Funny Faces

#4 - Giving Out High-Fives

#3 - Doing Two-Ounce Curls

#2 - Watching The Wheel Of Fortune With Mom

#1 - Flirting With The Nurses!

Amos has been fighting the good fight like the samurai warrior we knew he would be. His little samurai outfit is now laundered and ready to go for this new battle to fight off infections. He won his first battle with chemotherapy, and now we enter this next one. Once he wins this battle we will all hopefully get a little reprieve from the fighting to snuggle up at home with our favorite four-legged goldie, Murphy. Murphy has been missing her little brother awaiting his return by dragging her toys into his room to play on his rug until he can join her there for playtime again. She has been so adorably missing him, and I know he misses her too. So to close this post I stole a photo from the FB page of an old acquaintance of my Central High School friends, an MMA fighter who knows a few things about kicking ass, Ben Rothwell. If anyone knows about toughness it is him, and he agrees on the bad ass nature of the samurai of Japan, and Amos does too.